In the literature there are different definitions of this category which,
however, are not yet satisfactory. Before moving on to redefine the concept of
“mega event”, we will proceed to describe briefly the definitions already given
by the experts. A definition of the big event, which incorporates the common
language, must take into account: - the importance of the appearance design
of the big event. This is the result of a program that already in the planning
stage (ex ante) has arisen, as a general objective, to give an event a character of
extraordinary. The realization confirm (ex post) only goodness (or weaknesses)
of the creative process and management. Some events have become great by
accident, but this is just the exception that proves the rule; - of all the strategic
variables that give an event the sign of the extraordinary, making it somewhat
unique. The event is a project that, as in physics, is characterized to represent
a point in space-time. In other words, a project of the event is determined by
four strategic variables: three can be represented in Cartesian coordinates of
orthogonal reference and the fourth by a time coordinate. In the process of
production of a large event all variables have the same importance. Among
these will retain more detail the decision variable for the reason that in this field
Italy has shown, in recent years, and until the recent award in Milan Universal
Exhibition of 2015, the greatest weaknesses.
Keywords: mega event, tourism, economics, territory.
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