Se l’Italia era per Shakespeare il giardino del mondo, e per Romeo non c’era mondo fuori delle mura di Verona, è quasi un dovere per chi dall’Italia studia il mondo anglosassone trattare dei rapporti tra l’Italia e l’Inghilterra, per altro se oggetto della nostra attenzione è il Rinascimento - o, meglio, sono i Rinascimenti - nelle due nazioni. Questa è stata la prospettiva che ha coinvolto nel secolo scorso i maggiori studiosi italiani di letteratura inglese, quali i grandi maestri Gabriele Baldini, Mario Praz e Giorgio Melchiori. Sul loro esempio, e dagli stimoli derivatimi da incontri, gruppi di ricerca e convegni, mi è occorso più volte negli ultimi vent’anni di trattare di aspetti particolari delle relazioni Italia/Inghilterra e, soprattutto, dell’influenza italiana in William Shakespeare, sia dal punto di vista letterario (come la sua, mai prima d’ora dimostrata, conoscenza dell’opera di Torquato Tasso), che da quello artistico. If Italy was for Shakespeare the pleasant garden of the world, and for Romeo there was no world without Verona’s walls, for the Italian scholar who sets out to study English culture it is practically inevitable to study Anglo-Italian relations, especially if the field of her research is the Renaissance - even better - the renascences or Rinascimenti - in a comparative way. Many of the most remarkable Italian scholars of English literature in the last century, great teachers like Gabriele Baldini, Mario Praz, and Giorgio Melchiori have dealt with this perspective and paved the way with their major contributions. Following their example and encouraged by the many stimulating suggestions and discussionswhich came my wayduring academic meetings, research groups, and international conferences, I became more and more involved, in the last twenty years, in delving into particular cultural features of Anglo-Italian relations, and, especially, of the Italian influence on William Shakespeare, from a literary point of view (as his direct knowledge of the works of Torquato Tasso, for instance, which has never been proven before, shows) as well as from an artistic one.
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Is professor of English Language and Culture and has published books and essays in Italian and English. Her output ranges from the late Victorian period (Oscar Wilde, Ronald Firbank, Vernon Lee, Maurice Hewlett) to Shakespeare, to Anglo/Italian Relations in the Renaissance, and to English-speaking travelers to Italy. She’s an active member of the Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerche sul Viaggio in Italia (CIRVI), of the Società Italiana di Comparatistica Letteraria (SICL) and of the Shakespeare Association of India. Her most recent publications are: Shakespeare’s Mantua/La Mantova di Shakespeare (Mantova 2016), the first Italian edition of William Dean Howells, Italian Journeys/Viaggi in Italia Moncalieri (Torino), CIRVI 2017, and a forthcoming research essay on the Protestant writer and publisher, Giacomo Castelvetro (1546-1616), a veritable European figure ante litteram.
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