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Bioengineering of Neurosensory Systems

Barbieri Riccardo - Baselli Giuseppe - Grandori Ferdinando - Paglialonga Alessia
Bioengineering of Neurosensory Systems
ISBN/EAN: 9788855535977
Pubblicazione: 2023
Pagine: 420
Formato: 17 x 24
Materia: Bioingegneria
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Bioengineering of Neurosensory Systems

Neurosensory systems are presented by the essential elements of their complexity. The fascinating travel through hearing, vision, touch, smell, and taste aims at giving both the holistic elements of perception and psychophysics and the neural correlates. This is in turn finalized to bioengineering tasks such as the functional evaluation of senses and the design of aids, implants, or even bioinspired devices. The material and its organization were refined through decades of teaching of the homonymous course at the Politecnico di Milano. The book may provide an introduction to the specific neurosensory systems and, more generally, to neuroscience and cognition. So, it might be of interest not only to biomedical engineering and other technical areas but also to disciplines in the vast field of neuroscience.


Barbieri Riccardo

Riccardo Barbieri is Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, and Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Within his academic activity at the Politecnico, Prof. Barbieri has been teaching the master level course Bioengineering of Neurosensory Systems since 2015. His broad research interests are in the development of signal processing algorithms for the analysis of biological systems, computational modeling of neural information encoding, and statistical modeling to characterize cardiovascular control dynamics. He is author of more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in these fields since 1994.

Baselli Giuseppe

Giuseppe Baselli is Full Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. He has been in the field of Biomedical Signal and Image processing and modeling since his MSc in Electrical Engineering in 1983. He has been the head of the Biomedical Engineering Program and of the Bioengineering Department. He had been teaching Bioengineering of Neurosensory Systems for more than a decade. Currently, one of his major interests is in the field or neuroimaging.

Grandori Ferdinando

Ferdinando Grandori is Researcher and then Head of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (Italian CNR), has taught courses at the Politecnico di Milano and is recognized for his role in shaping techniques for newborn hearing screening and in spreading internationally hearing screening protocols. Research interests: Evoked Potentials, Magnetic Stimulation, Psychoacoustics and mechanoreceptors. He has published over 200 research papers and gave about 400 presentations at international meetings (80 were Keynote Lectures in 25 countries).

Paglialonga Alessia

Alessia Paglialonga is Senior Researcher at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Milano, and Visiting Scientist at Toronto Metropolitan University. She has been lecturer in the course Bioengineering of Neurosensory Systems for more than ten years. Her research interests are in the area of hearing technologies, health modeling and prediction, AI, eHealth design and evaluation.

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