This article focuses on the evaluation of the oil and gas potential and the investigation of reservoir properties within the terrigenous horizons of the Middle and Lower Jurassic deposits located in the Kandym uplift of the Bukhara-Khiva region. The assessment methodology presented in this study is based on the analysis of geophysical well logging data curves. The authors conducted an analysis using real data obtained from existing fields in the region to evaluate the characteristics of productive horizons. The article provides information on drilling results in these fields, the productive horizons encountered, and their lithological properties. The research findings lead to several significant conclusions that should be considered when planning future geological exploration activities. The authors recommend directing exploration efforts towards the Middle-Upper Jurassic deposits, with particular emphasis on the detailed study of productive horizons XVII, XVIII, and XIX, as they exhibit the most promising prospects.
Keywords: field, clay reservoirs, hydrocarbon, sand reservoirs, geophysical well logging data, deposit, oil, gas, horizon, structure, fold, uplift.
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