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Competitiveness in sustainability (CD-Rom included)

the territorial dimension in the implementation of Lisbon/Gothenburg processes in Italian regions and provinces
Prezioso Maria (curatore)
Competitiveness in sustainability (CD-Rom included)
ISBN/EAN: 9788855531603
Pubblicazione: 2011
Pagine: 442
Formato: 17 x 24
Acquisto carta


Competitiveness in sustainability (CD-Rom included)

Political strategic actions arising from the Lisbon (2000-2009) and Gothenburg (2001) strategies are going to be re-launched under the Europe2020 flags. European countries and regions are reacting differently, offering many possible potential solutions to be more competitive, sustainable and cohesive. In Italy, where these addresses add up to the institutional changes and reforms, new guidelines, approaches, proposals and initiatives are needed in order to identify regional and local capabilities. This would increase stronger relationship between territorial dimension and an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. This book provides analysis, recommendations, data, indicators and amethodological key-tool to sustain researchers, stakeholders, practitioners and policy-makers to make territorial cohesive choices able to face Europe 2020 challenges according to the results of trans-national researches and to the contributions developed by the Italian Geographers Association (A.Ge.I.) in the field of Economic Geography.


The reasons and structure of the research (M. Prezioso) - Territorial Competitiveness in sustainability. The interpretation at the base of the research (R. Gemmiti) - A system of measure for provincial performance through indicators and composite indexes (I. Carbonaro) - Tools in support of the Territorial Impact Assessment (V. Ottaviani) - Regional policies and the European dimension of development. The case of Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta (D. Ietri, F.S. Rota) - Competitiveness and sustainability in the Lombardia region. An impact assessment of regional policies on territorial planning (P. Molinari, F. Pagetti, A. Pietta) - Venet a polycentric region facing the sustainability challenge (A. D’Orazio) - Emilia-Romagna and Europe. Dynamics, projects and proposals for a competitive urban and territorial development (S. Gaddoni, F. Pistocchi) - The Lisbon-Gothenburg strategy for achieving sustainable competitiveness in the Toscana region (M. Bencardino, A. Cresta, I. Greco) - Polycentrism in the Marche region, a strategic factor for a competitive development in sustainability (S. Betti, E. Nicosia, C.M. Porto) - The Lazio region: transformation capability and resistance to change in a regional centralism model (A. Conti Puorger, B. Martini) - Competitiveness in sustainability in the development strategy of the Abruzzi Region (B. Cardinale, M. Fuschi, S. Scorrano, S. La Cioppa) - Territorial planning and policies for implementing the Lisbon and Gothenburg strategies in the Molise region (T. Amodio) - The territorial dimension of the Lisbon/Gothenburg strategy in Campania: processes and policies for achieving competitiveness in sustainability (M. Bencardino, A. Cresta, I. Greco) - In search of competitiveness: spatial dynamics of the Puglia system (M. Gattullo, F. Rinella, M. Coronato) - Competitiveness and sustainability in Basilicata, between territorial dimension and development strategies (T. Amodio) - Calabria and the Messina Straits. Unsustainable underdevelopment vs. Competitiveness in Sustainability (M. Brancato, A. Caltabiano, F. Orecchio) - Development ways and competitiveness policies in Sicilia (C. Cirelli, E. Di Blasi, A. Arangio, L. Mercatanti, E. Nicosia, C.M. Porto) - The territorial dimension of Lisbon/Gothenburg strategy in Italian regions and provinces (F. Bencardino) – Bibliography – Credits - Tables and pictures index.

Prezioso Maria

E’ professore ordinario di Geografia economico-politica e Economia e pianificazione del territorio presso il Dipartimento di Management e Diritto dell’Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

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